Ok, you win
Ok, you win.
I'm not going to let you beat me.
I've sent this message to help you out.
You're angry. Like in the old Monty Python sketch, you want an argument.
You're not going to get it. Not from me, now.
You've got pastiche of facts and arguments and insults and bluster. Maybe, organized, coherently, in the right time & place, they might make sense. I might even agree with them.
Here they don't.
So, maybe try a different tack, a better tact.
Imagine, for a moment, you met me in real life. I'm a real person, with things I want, with things I love, with dreams, with family. I love my country and I want to see it better.
Figure out a way you can connect with strangers. Win us over with kindness, not insults.
As the Professor wrote, we're only immortal for a limited time. Make the best of it.